Donate a Water Hand Pump

Provide safe and clean water to those in need!

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About Friends of Charity International

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh

I founded Friends of Charity International with the hope that  insha allah that our global community would rise up together in facing the challenges that exist for our friends in need, to help eradicate their poverty and suffering, creating a more equal world for all.

Alhumdullilah, by the grace and blessings of Allah (swt) it pleases me to say that our charity has accomplished so much.

Water Hand Pump — £75

Water for Friends in Need Appeal

Provide clean and safe water to those in need 

Family Food Pack — £30

Feeding Friends in Need Appeal

Provide a food pack with a month’s provisions to feed a small family

Chicken Sadaqah Jariyah — £8

Chicken Sadaqah Appeal

Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity

Gift a Wheelchair — £65

Mobility Aid Appeal

Gift a Wheelchair to empower an individual with different abilities to gain independence

Donate A Degh — £50

Feeding Friends in Need Appeal

A Degh will provide a meal and a drink to 40-60 people in need

Winter Bundle Gift – £10

Keeping Friends Warm Appeal

Provide warm blankets and gloves to those in need in Winter

Goat Sadaqah Jariyah — £50

Goat Sadaqah Appeal

Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity

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